Chris Alton- Artist Lecture

Before this lecture, I was unaware of this artist and their work. I enjoyed the lecture because I liked the artist’s interest in people who are Anti-Fascist. I liked the speaker, however, I found it extremely difficult to keep up with what the artist was talking about as he was going through his work so fast, for example, I found it hard to remember his first piece of work because of how quick he went through other pieces. The one thing that surprised me about the lecture is the fact the small group he formed on social media ( The English Disco Lovers) helped him form a manifesto making this group larger than The English Defense Group. He made the whole project popular just by winging it. I liked the way he educated me personally on Disco as a Genre of music and The English Defense Group. I enjoyed how he told us where the word ‘Disco’ came from, in some ways, I related in this with my own work. He said ‘The word Disco comes from Nazi’s by Paris, people had underground cafe’s “The Disco Techs”. Nazi’s would ban any music related to Jewish people and or people of different races”. I found that fascinating. He inspired me to speak up and say something, make your mark. I admire his work because he doesn't create work to look pretty he creates it because he has something to say and I hope I show that through my work as well.


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